Sunday 28 February 2021

Enjoy the Moment

It's been a pretty crazy week work wise (lots of deadlines and projects going awry), resulting in some serious screen fatigue and generally feeling wiped out. Spring is helping, it always does, and with a weekend of bright dry weather promised, I was keen to embrace the outdoors and continue looking for new walks.

Following from the success of last week, we decided to go the other direction and go big, or go home, by doubling the walk to 8 miles. Yep, after years on the to-do list, we finally walked Bo'ness to Blackness Castle (with a picnic in between). I'd clocked the walk when taking Missy around Bo'ness Harbour (usually before or after a train ride) and logged it for another day.

Well, today was the perfect day. Sunny, but not hot. Breezy, but not cold. And most importantly, dry.
We parked at the harbour and set off. Like last week, there was enough passing traffic that the polite how-do-you-dos and Good-mornings made a lovely soundtrack to the day. We saw plenty of dogs (a handsome whippet took a particular fancy to Missy) and there was plenty of cyclists and walkers too.

Once at the castle, we enjoyed a picnic (we were better prepared this week) in which Missy kept a keen eye out for runaway crumbs and, after admiring the view, headed back again. 

The foreshore path is well maintained - most of the journey was on proper pavement with just the final leg to the castle being beaten path. It made it an easier walk than last week, although our feet and legs are now very tired!

Missy is happily dozing on the sofa, recharging for the future squirrel apocalypse. At least, she's successfully chasing them in her sleep, if the yips are anything to go by.

On a sad note, this week marks the passing of my sisters much loved cat, Crumble. She's the only cat I have known to dismiss Missy with a hard stare and a swagger and, on one occasion, primly told Missy off with a (claws in) bap to the face. 
After that pack order was accepted and, when enjoying a cup of tea on a visit, I would often spot them holding council in the corner, Crumble the ruling queen, her many furred bretherin about her with Missy sat alongside them to complete the circle as they conferred in the silent ways animals truly discuss the goings on in the world. 

No matter your loyalties to cat or dog, they all live too short a time. Her pawprints have left thier marks on many a heart. 

1 comment:

  1. Her pawprints certainly have! And yep, she was keen to let everyone, human, feline or dog, know she was the one incharge...

    I'm glad you finally got some good weather and got a little adventure in!
