Sunday 7 February 2021

marking Seven Years

It's been seven years since Missy chose us, and time has flown when I think back to the excitement of bringing her home and all the mischief she caused and love she brought. In seven years she has built herself a place on honour amongst the wider family, so much so that there was genuine sadness that we would not be hosting a party for her this year, what with the pandemic and all.

The week didn't start great - it's one of those weeks where its been tough for everyone for different reasons, and by the time Friday rolled round I had gotten through my melancholy and was keen to get the rest of the family out of it. 

Phase one, let's get silly:

Let's be honest here, find me a dog that wouldn't love a chicken as a cake? (Disclaimer: hubby was on hand in case she was too tempted and went for it, and it was carved before she was given a small amount. She acts like chicken is crack cocaine, she only needs a little bit!) 

Missy spent the rest of her Adoptiversary cuddled up on the prime spot of the sofa sleeping off said chicken. 

Phase 2:

Random acts of kindness. OK, officially Random Acts of Kindness Day is next week, but it's hardly random when a day's been set aside for it, right? So, what to do when your lockdown and can't leave your council area? Get things delivered!
Big sis likes baths to the point she must have been a mermaid in her past life - bath bombs. 
Little Sister has a sweet tooth to rival a bumblebee and misses home - gourmet shortbread and fudge.
Brother who works backshift, regularly misses mail and has a dog that will still go for packages sometimes, uh, an IOU with an explanation (he's so laid back in the world, he didn't feel any need for a gift and didn't understand what I was trying to achieve, so he's fine, just didn't want to leave him out).
Mum - flowers. But maybe not the sort that will die. But also Hardy enough she won't kill them with her black thumb. A bromeliad. 

I eagerly awaited through Saturday. Little sister got hers first and a thank you was messaged. Mission accomplished. Oh, she's keeping it off the family chat, that raises the stakes for big sis. Delivery time rolls by. I get an automated message that it's been received. No call. No text. Huh.

She rings and tells on about her MIL. 
I break and ask - any deliveries today?
Pause. Is this...did you send the bath bombs? 
Yep! You've had so much on your plate, I felt you needed to be reminded I'm here for you. 
Happy gasp followed by uncontrolled laughter. 
There should have been a slip with my name on it? 
We try not to touch the packaging - Neice was claiming they were hers! And when I pointed out that it was in my name, BIL said he bought them for my Xmas, but they must have been lost in the post. Mystery solved! 

Instantly on the group chat. Little Sis chimes in about hers and I damage control brother (who seemed confused about the whole idea) and mum. 

The bromeliad. That wasn't getting posted. I'd already organised a walk with a friend at the boundary of my council district and, wihh some essentials for friends who are vulnerable, I made my way to mums. It had started to snow, so we exchanged a brief minute of conversation whilst she was absolutely dumbstruck to see me and I retreated back to the cars heating. I rang her on the drive home (hands free) and she was delighted. She was shocked I'd turned up on her doorstep as I'm very much aggressively following the rules, and I explained about our vulnerable friends and that she was a detour on an essential journey. 

Job done. 

Today marks the end of #leadthewayatoz, and the letter W. We had a Wintery Walk by the Water. It's bitter sweet to see it end, there was definitely some fatigue with the difficult letters at the end, but it's really been a highlight for me during lockdown and adding some purpose to the weekend walk. 

We also won the monthly Waggiest Wanderer through #leadthewayatoz, and on the explorer front we got our Pioneer Pooch badge and won explorer of the month!  I cannot wait to see her little cartoon emoji when it's done. 

Its fair to say Missy has had an excellent week for her Adoptiversary, and we hope we've sent some of that joy out to the family. 

1 comment:

  1. Joy has definitely been received! Thank you so much for that! And it's hard to think Missy has been with us for seven years! She's such a firm part of the family!
