Sunday 15 November 2020

Excited to announce E

This week on the #leadthewayatoz, Missy was in charge of the takeover. 15 weeks ago when the Dog Furiendly was setting up behind the scenes, they asked for volunteers to do weekly take overs with their assigned letter. I signed up and, with the caveat that I couldn't do Armistice, was assigned the 15th November and the letter E.

Hubby is way better at this than me and I was dumbfounded. E...? An Egg maybe? Eldritch horror - no, no, no, that won't fly. It was pointed out to me, somewhat slowly, that we live in Edinburgh. Known for its world class Educational institutes. And year round Entertainment. We could Explore something touristy. He was very Easy-going on the whole suggestion and I decided, 15 weeks ago, we would do the Camera Obscura and bag a unique word of "Eye-popping Illusions". 

15 weeks. It all started hunky dory. Then Wales went into lockdown. Then England brought in the teirs system. Ireland into lockdown. Scotland went into tiers, Lothian at teir 3. England went into lockdown and now the West of Scotland is being threatened with one.

I panicked and we filmed last week. 

Turns out I didn't need to panic, but seeing as it's likely the central belts going into lockdown very soon, I'm pleased I did.

We had an Excellent day (OK, OK, I'll stop now). We got there just before opening, did all the filming, and patiently queued for the door to open. Missy, in her usual Excited way (last one, promise) skipped in and was met with a wall of "aww". I genuinely heard someone say "my day just got even better!" as I followed behind Missy and someone had already produced a bag of dog treats. Missy knows what Pedigree looks like so ensured that was our first stop before we signed in at the till and we got the full covid health brief.

Then we were on our way. In the whole time we were there, we saw two other families, it was like a ghost town which was brilliant. We finally got to play on the things that always have tons of kids about them (cleaning wipes were provided) and just took our time to enjoy the day. 

So that was E. I spent the mid morning online today posting photos and chatting with folk asking about the Obscura and I'm pleased it's all gone so well. I hated the filming bit, but despite obvious nerves, was happy with the outcome.

I've managed to raise the stakes on the crazy dog parent this week by joining in the Great Doggy Bake off - this week was banana pancakes. Hint, these are more banana omelettes, you'd not going to toss these! 
Missy loves banana, so these were met with great enthusiasm. So much so that it was a real struggle to get a photo with her! 

I'm hoping for a biscuit next, we might do a bit better with that! I've managed to talk Rens mum into joining the contest so I have some friendly rivalry! 

This weeks sewing is part of the ongoing Christmas makes - who wants an oversized sock when you can have a Marvel backbag as a stocking instead? For my oldest nephew - I've got a few wee bits to go in it and some sweeties too. I only have 2 more things left on my to make list (although I am forever adding to that list, so that's subject to change!).

Until next week! 

1 comment:

  1. Excellent entertainment! Would love to see what you did for eldritch horror though!

    You'll need to send me the link so I can see your filming!
