Wednesday 29 May 2024

A Fangtastic Weekend

The pun isn't for Missy, it's for the first of three cosplays I'm making this year - my nephews Alucard costume. We made the coat earlier in the year (and I will confess I only finished the hand sewing on Minday) so this weekend we tackled the hat. And I'm pretty pleased with how it all came together, although Missy is more Carmen Sandiego than ruthless undead in it.

It wasn't all sewing, we managed some nice walks the Saturday and on Sunday, despite the damp start, got out to enjoy the Bathgate Doggy Day Out. Missy placed first in her fancy dress and my nephew with Wee Ben failed to place in waggiest tail. That dog is getting very old and grumpy at the world despite being only 7. He did not approve of the rain or the outdoors. 

There was also board games and then it was done. A very quick weekend. 

I'm other news, my quilt for Edinburgh Dog and Cat Home is doing very well and we've reached over £100 in donations! I couldn't be happier!

Thats all for now, just a short update, lots to be doing (number 2 of 3 cosplays is very nearly done!) 

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