Wednesday 1 May 2024

A Month of May-hem

Will the puns distract from the lack of updates?

So, it's been a hot minute since I last posted and a lots been going on! Firstly, hubby got a new job. But in between leaving one and starting the next, it's been may-hem. Hubby actually finished on the last day of the visit from my Manchester sister. He made bees with my neice and nephw, had his last day and, as we waved them off, was technically a jobless bum.
But not for long! He had a two week window betweenjobs and, after flitting up to Aberdeen for Missy to go on her holidays, it was time fo ours. 

Y'all, this holiday has been 18 months in the making. From the first email declaring "Congratulations, 75 weeks until you're cruise" until we stepped on it, I have been absolutely psyched about our 10 year wedding anniversary although, who is gonna pay peak prices, so we've technically celebrated it 5 months early with a Norwegian cruise.
We played it safe and just did 7 days as we had no idea if we'd like it and I was anxious about a return of my seasickness (trust me, best cure is to get so seasick you go through the other side after first turning literally green: Indonesia, I have many wonderful memories, but your Maritime safety was not one of them!). 

So we went to Southampton, and from there sailed to Stavange, the first of 4 stops. I shan't go into ridiculous detail except to say that we had an absolute blast. There was more than we knew what to do with on the boat for entertainment, the scenery was like walking in a literal postcard, there was endless cake at all hours to accommodate grazing hobbits and we ticked a big bucket list item off and we did manage to see the Northern Lights.

We got home Sunday, hubby started work the next day and I hosted the in-laws who came visiting to return our much missed pup. The house is so eerily quiet without her, which is odd really as she doesn't make a sound normally, except when chasing rabbits in her sleep. I waved the in laws away, got my scrapbook organised for the holiday, was back at work the Wednesday, a sewing lesson Friday and by Saturday was absolutely entrenched in the post holiday blues. I managed to get out in the nice weather and take Missy on some nice walks but absolutely failed to achieve anything else. I think the combination of basically being on my own all week (hubby had Wednesday off but spent it asleep whilst I was working) and yet cramming in loads of short visits just led to the inevitable. I was placed in a bath and fed chocolate and Sunday was a slow day of putting the world right, starting with a trip out for ou monthly free tea at Dobbies and then a trip to the cinema.

And the world is back together again.

My Inverness friend came through Monday as we both had a team meeting Tuesday. I will say, it's nice having a best friend there to car share with and the odd arrangement is working very well for us to actually see one another and hang out in person more. 
She workedfrom mine this morning then headed off at lunchtime and once more the house feels empty again, but tolerably so this time. Missy has been very cuddly since her return and I've definitely appreciated that from her. 

So, what to do to shake off these springtime blues but join a monthly challenge. Not walking 5km a day, but crafting every day to raise funds for the absolute best pet charity of them all:

The Edinburgh Dog and Cat Home.

I am rather pleased with day ones efforts. The plan is to make either some doggy quilts, or a proper human sized quilt, and raffle it off to raise funds. Keep an eye on my insta for daily updates each evening and check the link in my bio for details on how you can help raise money for dogs like Missy, and my childhood bestie Cindy, to help them find a loving home. Or just come along and say hi to cheer me on at @missdaisysewing. 

There will be Missy cameos along the way! 

Until next update, wish me well and take a well earned moment to yourselves, the blues aren't just for winter. 

1 comment:

  1. I feel my terrible pun filled blog posts are rubbing off on you...
    Sounds like a brilliant, yet manic, few weeks!
    Look forward to your daily crafting updates on insta! And can't wait to see what the final product is!
