Thursday 23 May 2024

A Quick Change of Weather

It started off well at least! Last weekend we finally gave camping a go and, to keep it safe, popped over to North Berwick to trial run things. There was a few concerns (not toilets, I don't mind a 3am flit if necessary to a properly cleaned shower block), mainly that I'd get cold (yay Raynaud's) and that Maisie (yes, our favourite gremlin) would be chaos.
Well, the first part was sorted with a onesie, a cosy sleeping bag and a fan heater for the one evening I felt damp and chilly. The second part...

Well, don't let that cheeky smile fool you. I don't appreciate being woken up by being literally walked on at 12.30am. She was good as gold the rest of the time, but I did severely miss not having a door to close between us. So that's it, glamping and she's more than welcome, but camping and she's staying with my brother!

Following our quick trip (we spent our full day on the beach and looking about tat ships) it was our friends birthday. The plan was Dungeons and Dragons and it was a great laugh.

And then it all went wrong. Monday I was tired. Therefore, when all my electronics started to play up bar my phone, I was perplexed. It took me way longer than it should to realise the broadband was broken.

And boy was it broken. Down Monday night. All day Tuesday (thankfully an office day) then Wednesday (a site visit, so I managed using my work phone as a hotspot). We quickly realised it was a utility strike, someone had damaged the cable, but something else was bothering me, mostly the lack of lights on the hub...

Well, along came our special 4G dongle principle it's great, but I live in a 50s build made of sandstone. My network signal isn't great at the best of times.
Today was a sufferance. After initially being impressed with the dongle, I fell to despair as everything kept failing and falling over. I got a notification that the fault was fixed and looked longingly at the hub and lack of lights. An engineer was booked for Monday as, now that fault was resolved, we could log our deadly departed hub.

The weather perfectly matched my mood.

Then hubby got in and admired the new router that had arrived. I hadn't bothered to set it up on account of the dead hub when he had the bright idea to check if it was the same plug and, Y'all, I have never been so happy to see those little lights. We still have the engineer coming Monday (I'll swap the plugs over) but it means tomorrow I can actually get on with my job.

And I can go back to doom scrolling, but the less said the better!

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