Sunday 14 January 2024

Linhouse Glen

The first adventure of 2024 is done! That's not to say I haven't been busy - yesterday was a non-dog-friendly trip to the Irn Bru Carnival which was a blast, but left me both exhausted and too full of sugar.

So what to do when you have a day to yourself, you're tired but restlessly full of sugar and low key anxiety? Go for a two hour walk to see what you can find. 

Which is how I ended up at Linhouse Glen with Missy. We have previously explored this Scottish Nature Reserve, but it was a fleeting visit against the oncoming dark, so it was nice to have the morning to freely roam with the only threat bimeing the potential loss of a welly in the mud. 

Missy enjoyed herself too - between busy working schedules, the ongoing battle of the early nights and general life ad nauseum, she's been getting the park walk twice a day every day. It's a good walk, and most consider us very lucky to have it on our doorstep, but even I was getting bored of the same circle (hubby and I go in different directions, so one walk is clockwise and the other anti clockwise, to try and bring some variety to the day for Missy). 

Despite the cold, it was a pleasant walk. No sensible creature is awake from hibernation yet, so Missy trotted from tree to tree and sniffed to her hearts content. I also had a moment of childhood joy as a train passed us at the crossing point - it carried freight, and there's something thrilling about such a machine blasting past you in close proximity. 
If course we were very safe, and Missy was securely on her lead as we crossed. Although there was a moment of hilarity when, instead of going under the style to get to the path, Missy nimbly hopped onto the step, turned and sat down primly. 
Guys. It's finally happened. The dog is now asking for her photo to be taken! I'm sure no one would belive me, but I managed to catch it on film as I was gathering footage for a tiktok. 

I am proud to say though that she has a good eye! :

1 comment:

  1. She has definitely got a good eye! And that tiktok in question is hilarious!
