Sunday 16 June 2024

Invading the North

Well, Invading the "North" seeing as its 4 hours south for us!

This weekend was the We Invented the Weekend event at Salford Quays in Manchester. It was the first event that my sister had on as a Viking that coincided with our own calendar and we've really wanted to go down and support her. So, packing Missy's viking helmet first and foremost, we were very excited about a weekend of fun.

Until hubbys colleague quit without notice and he then had to cover Sunday. What to do? We didn't want to cancel owing to having made plans with hubbys aunt and uncle the Saturday, so made the decision to go down late Friday and go back the Saturday. Well, until my sister suggested the train, which is how I've ended up typing this with Missy asleep on my foot as we trundle up north, just having passed Preston.

It's been a weekend of near dog napping. 
To set the scene, my sister has a "craft coven" chat on WhatsApp and we finally had a meeting of the coven. We are three in the coven (I sadly think I am the crone of the three, my sister being the mother and the last of the trio the maiden!) and despite having not met Missy, the last of our trio, Owllady to use my sister's naming convention, was very familiar with her and all of her silly costumes. I did not realise this fondness felt for missy also extended to her partner, Timbercat, to again stay consistent with Roxy's blog, and so we arrived at the event to some fanfare and Missy was instantly fussed over and provided with some of her favourite treats!
With Missy also adorned in her newly gifted shield to match that of the Viking groups, she was a hit and hubby and I had an excellent day enjoying the event. Who knew Mr Motivator was still a thing!?

Then it was off to Aunt and Uncle and, to delighted cries of "just like oor Tara", Missy was provided with water and treats before the kettle was on. I know favouritism when I see it! After such a busy day, Missy was content to sleep on the sofa and several jokes were made about just leaving her to stay. I mean, I say jokes, but I know they'd keep her in a heartbeat.

Today was take two. Hubby confirmed he was safely home just after midnight so I managed some sleep after that and then it was a proper day with the vikings. Whilst Saturday had been enjoying the event, Sunday was getting some nice photos and helping with the vikings proper.

Timbercat, also known as Missy's new bestest friend forever, or "keeper of the bacon", was in the same boat as myself in that we were happy to assist, but had no idea what we were doing. After a bad fall and worryingly swollen wrist, Owllady kept us right whilst Missy did her best to comfort her.

It was chaos. There was a lot more people the Sunday and, with the arrival of the sun, a whole lot more people out and enjoying themselves. It was also a really good chance to hang out with Owllady and Timbercat properly.

Knowing Missy would be tired, I'd hoped she'd just chill out for the day on the picnic blanket Roxy had kindly provided. I knew she was in good company who'd keep an eye on her for me and, apart from some over enthusiastic children screaming war cries, and a horn that was also enthusiastically blown, she did really well. The above spooked her a little, but nothing a wee walk in the sun didn't shake off. Or Timbercat and that magic bag of bacon treats.

I do have a craft update for this week, these fab Pictish trolls who came along for the event and a photoshoot. My sustes viking group has a game where the children smuggle trolls into each others camps so I had to provide some with a Scottish flair!

And that's it. It was very much a blur of offering if kids wanted to try on a helmet and waving the nearest viking available over, or going for snacks and juice for said vikings. A good day all told.

So now we're on the train. Whilst our initial table was fabulous (the lady across from me was helping protect little paws from the buffet cart) and our neighbours were sneaking in little pets, we've now moved to an empty table and Missy has begun to snore.

Well, Salford may claim to have invented the weekend, but Missy and I most definitely seized it!

1 comment:

  1. That last line, that's just *chefs kiss*

    On beha,f of my fellow vikings, we do thank you, and particularly Missy, for helping so much this weekend. I have never been to an event quite that insanely busy! Last year was very much quieter and that was two days of nice weather...

    The trolls have gone down a treat, although only three will be making it to the viking games! But which three?

    Was lovely having you down, and as always, can't wait for the next meeting!
