Sunday 5 November 2023

Gunpowder, Treason and Plot

So yeah, it's November. Not sure how that happened! 

Well, I do. I spent last week with my head down being very busy with work, having a friend staying over and blitzing through a speed run to build my latest ensemble:

Y'all, I was the wickedest witch. I got to scare the absolute pants off of grown men and women during the special Halloween ghost tours at the House of the Binns. Hearing a legit adult stall and mutter the gloriously Scottish "Aw, Hell naw" was an utter delight. 

Seeing as I'm normally as frightening as a kitten caught short in it's litter box, I was legitimately concerned about being cast as the witch. When I volunteered to help, I thought I was gonna be collecting tickets, or waving folk into parking spaces, not creeping about like an extra from the Ring. 

But where's the hat I hear you cry? I did get to don it at the Steam and Scream event in Bo'ness:

I mean, hubby said it made me look like Granny Weatherwax, but if you know who she is then I take that as a compliment! 

After all that, I was too beat for anything else. Missy doesn't much care for Halloween, after the 5th set of kids guising, shes fed up and goes to bed. So I think she rather enjoyed the series of lie ins that we had, and the early morning cuddles in bed. And that brings us to this weekend.

We continued on the Halloween theme with our good friends coming over with the twins for a late Halloween party yesterday. This was followed by a dash into town to see Aladdin in the theatre (amazing) before getting home far too late. 

So today was a nice calm day. Missy has enjoyed the respite from the storms this weekend and was playing with all the boys this morning before my brother turned up to drop off Maisie for a sleepover. 

Pouty does not like fireworks. To her they are evil. They are sneaky and scary and bad. And she absolutely should not be left alone with them chapping on the window and door - with my brother working nights, it was inevitable and I volunteered to have her over.

Between Missys absolutely apathy of them, Classic Fms curated Pet Classics play list and a steady stream of distractions, she's doing OK. Maisie isn't her usual cheery self, but she hasn't tried to hide under the sofa, or make any use of the nest built for her, so I'm gonna call that a successful endeavour. 

Until next week! 


  1. That all sounds amazing! Well jealous! And I'm glad Maisie did well with the fireworks, however... Is that my knitted pokeball...?
