Sunday 13 March 2022

Escaping the Plague House

So it was bound to happen at some time, but the Covid has come and gone (fingers crossed). It started with a sniffle and then a cough and, following best practice, tested. 

I have never been so upset to pass a test. 

I was meant to be having my eldest neice and nephew visit last weekend so my elder sister could have a romantic anniversary weekend with her husband. So I felt absolutely awful when I rang to cancel the weekend.
And then I subsequently slept though and basically lost the weekend. 

As I work from home, I was back in the "office" on Tuesday, more out of boredom than due to feeling 100%. Boredom was perhaps my key symptom - I was too tired to focus on anything like a book for very long, but too pent up to sleep anymore.

So I plodded along between various projects in a zombie like stupor. Missy, as always, was helpful in her own way. She tested all the fabrics softness. Sorted my cross stitch threads for me and would choose the quietest moments of my podcasts to start woofing and chasing squirrels in her sleep. 
Much needed company. Hubby was in spare room (more to do with my caught than a worry of catching anything) and had a busy week with work and magic, so I was left be a lot more than I'm used to. 

I tested positive on day 5. I had hoped beyond hope that I would get my two negatives by day six. And so we had to cancel all of this weekends plans too. 

Frustrations were taken out in the garden. The planters have been upgraded and the first round of seeds are in the greenhouse. And finally, on Saturday, I got my first negative. The line had been slowly growing fainter, so I knew it would be soon. So today, with my second negative test, we went to Beecraigs for a proper dog walk. 

And then Dobbies, for some strawberry plants. This year's new experiment. I'll need to get a net over them when they grow a little more - Missy eats all of our wild strawberries, so I need to keep her away from the big ones! 

Fingers crossed that's us and adventures will resume again! 

1 comment:

  1. Fingers crossed!! And even though it's a shame all your adventures where cancelled, at least you were in relatively good health!
