Monday 5 August 2024

Pinning on the Purple Poppy

Its been a busy week run this week - from sneaking out of work to volunteer at the Greyhound Rescue Centre Fife for a day, to hosting friends and having a laugh playing Baker Street. It's been a good one. And this weekend was the icing on the cake:

Firstly, Saturday was a Armed Forces Event in conjunction with The Purple Poppy UK. Purple poppies remember the animals that have served, or still serve in the military, so it was only fitting that in addition to the horses on show, bedecked in purple poppies themselves, that there was a dog show. It was actually my older sister who found out about it, she being fairly local, and she suggested possibly going to it (spoiler, she turned up as we left, the show being packed up).

I'm gonna be honest, the dog show was the weakest part of the day. Competing against police dog demos, pipe bands, 50s jive demos, highland dancing, live music, hundreds of stalls and a living history village from WW2, it was definitely overshadowed. I won't complain, Missy took home 2 ribbons, although I almost missed golden oldie as I ran off to watch the Highland dancing!

It was Missy's Mercy Dog outfit that won the day - it's debut in competition and the only location I felt it would do well. And that was the day. A fabulous solo adventure for Missy and I!

Sunday was just for the dogs - the long awaited return of Doghailes. The logistics of this day were a disaster - originally hubby was off and we were gonna meet friends, and then he wasn't, but that shouldn't spoil the day, right? Well, then we got double booked, big Sis if off on her holidays and could I take Wee Ben? 

I had committed to having him, when the holiday was meant to have happened in Easter. As it was, tickets had been bought and paid for for Doghailes by the time the dates were booked. As my friend has a no dogs on furniture policy, I couldn't take Ben with and go for dinner as originally planned. As Hubby was working, I couldn't just pick him up and go myself, I operate a strict one dog per person policy at events. So in the end I strong armed my niece into coming along and doing the drop off.

There wasn't much in the way of coercion. My niece wanted away from the mad flap of packing, and had been asking me repeatedly about when the next show was on she could take Ben to. I paid thier entry and off we went.

We shared a picnic, cheered on the dogs, fitted in a nice walk about the estate and generally had a lovely day. Missy placed 2nd in fancy dress, the only ribbon we picked up, but it's all for charity, so we didn't mind in the slightest.

A fab weekend all round.

With us having Ben this week, we have an unexpected quiet week thrust upon us and, I won't lie, it's probably needed!

Until next time!

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