Sunday 10 September 2023

A Break From Pillaging

Last week's blog went out before I had time to write up Sundays adventure to the west coast for Largs Viking Festival. We went day 2 of the 10 day event which culminates in a long boat being burned as the Viking raid is reenacted and it was an excellent day all round. 

We got there early and parked up nice and easy at a sneaky car park a colleague had pointed out to me. Seeing as we had to creep around effectively abandoned cars for five minutes on approach to the holy grail, I was very pleased for the "locals knowledge only" as the car park was empty. Then we toddled over to the Viking village which was basically across the road. 
The village was well made and had the usual highlights we expected and some more, including rune reading, a midwife tent, a bard and demonstrations of viking board games. Ironically, what it was missing was warriors - they were all stuck in Spain, a rebound from the airport controls going out at the start of the week.

That was OK, I've seen plenty of skirmishes and, with my sister officially part of a reenactment group, I'll be seeing plenty more in the future as I fully intend on bringing my war dog down and supporting her. (Missy was dressed up until about 1pm when I decided it was too warm for her, and she got a lot of compliments). 
The one thing I was super excited about was not held up in Spain - the have a go dragonboat sailing. After getting my warpaint on we eagerly awaited at the docks. We knew Missy wasn't going on, and our friend had kindly volunteered to wait with her whilst hubby and I sailed and she would then go on the next sailing.

Well, I'm gonna get it out there, I'd make a terrible slave. I took on a rowing position, partly to sit by the hubby who wanted to give it a go, but mostly because no other volunteers came forward. And I was terrible. My timing was spot on, but I could not get the arc of the turn right as the oar weighed a ton - a kindly viking took hold of the end of my oar and provides the added oomph I was previously lacking.
15 minutes later, after a turn about the harbour in the glorious sun, we were back on dry land to a delighted Missy. I had been correct in that she would have no desire to follow us into the water, but she refused to move and watched the boat like a hawk. Hubby was delightedly regaling the trip to our friend when it was noted that someone hadn't turned up for thier booking. He joked about another go and I was a viking widow as he was invited back on. His rowing skills were significantly better than mine!

Missy disapproved of this too and simply lay down to watch, keeping me company as I took photos. He was forgiven by us both on his return and we made our way back through the craft stalls to the village. 

A superb day. 

The title of this blog comes from a work conversation. I had thanked my colleague about the parking recomdation and, as we waited on a call later in the week, he asked if I was going again for the boat burning.
"No, I'm taking a break from pillaging this weekend" was my joking response, just as another colleague joined the call and I was greeted with a:
"A break from what?!"
Handing in my resignation next week! 

This weekend has been a quiet(ish) one. Saturday I caught up with a friend and today was meant to be dressmaking. However, it devolved into chip damaging 6 different projects and finishing none. I was caught in the long awaited downpour on the afternoon dog walk and that was the end of my productivity. A shower wasn't enough to get heat back into my sorry bones, so a bath it is. Which has made me realise that I'm absolutely burnt out - whikst there is talk of adventures next weekend, I might pass on them for take 2 on a quiet one...

Until next time!

1 comment:

  1. A viking widow! That made me laugh... Glad you had a great day, and yep, you'll be getting dragged into more viking mayhem with myself at some point - the pillaging shall resume!!!
