Sunday 29 January 2023

Taking a Pause before we hit February

Well... I did say January was going to be ridiculously busy! Since the last update I've had the in-laws through and staying; in part because we all went to see the Shen Yun dancers (by the far the best professional dancing I've ever seen, absolutely amazing, I can't say any more or I'll be here all day) and then they were sorting out BIL for the rest of thier stay. We'd have been more involved, but the winter lurgy finally caught up to hubby who basically spent 5 days in bed. I volunteered to keep an eye on him and the dogs and that was that.

Then last weekend it was a trio to London to see the ABBA Arena show. It was one of those trips that grew arms and legs with it initially being my mum and eldest neice, and then my aunt and her friend joined in, then my sister and, as a ticket space needed used, I was strong armed into evening out the numbers.
Show was good. Worth making the effort to go and see it, even if, like me, you aren't the biggest fan of ABBA. There was some drama, which I expected and mediated. But the less said the better. 

The highlight of the weekend was getting to catch the Chinese New Year parade at Trafalgar Square. I ran ahead, got an amazing spot in like to watch it and got a "kiss" (well, booped noses) with the big red lion above. My sister informs me that touching thier noses is super lucky, so I have my fingers crossed for the foreseeable.

Then this weekend was where we put the breaks on and shut the door. No friends or family, time for just hubby, Missy and I to recharge and do what we want to do. I wanted to go on a new dog walk that I'd heard about from a friend, and hubby wanted to see the Dr Who exhibition that was on in Edinburgh. 

Saturday was a slow day doing jobs about the house and then today we ticked both those off the list. The walk is the Livingston Standing Stones. They're modern, but that's all that anyone seems to know about them! I had never heard of them before last week, so it only proves that you'll never learn all the local secrets.

We also made it to Dr Who: Worlds of Wonder. There was costumes, monsters, gadgets and more. A great way for a pair of Whovians to spend the morning. We had taken along our sonics (hubby is old school, so had John Pertwees whereas I'm modern and had Matt Smiths) for the photos and we took great delight in lending them out to people when we offered to take thier photos for them. No one declined, and we certainly got a few good laughs.

And that's it. The synopsis of three weeks condensed down. Oh, except for this guy:

My second attempt at a plushie. I sense more dragons in the future, you have all been warned! 

Till next time! 

1 comment:

  1. Such a cute dragon!!!! And I am impressed at how well you consolidated three weekends down!

    Please to hear you guys had a quiet one this week though! Its been sorely needed.
