Sunday 27 December 2020

A Surprisingly Busy Xmas

Well, we're back in lockdown for at least 3 weeks, but we managed to squeeze in some Christmas celebrations. There was an outdoor social distanced get together with my lot and then, following guidelines, the hubbies family came to visit for Xmas itself.

Missy was pleased to see Ruby again, although the novelty of the 18 month old pup quickly wore thin! There was lots of presents, lots of elbow bumps and waving of arms for social distance hugs and everyone's souls feel very topped up and ready to weather through the next lockdown. 

This lockdown, hubby has been furloughed, meaning for the first time in the 13 years we have known one another, we'll both be off fit the festive period. Sad as it sounds, it's one of the best gifts I've been given this year. Between redeployment and working from home, I haven't had the authentic lock down experience, so I'm looking forward to us all spending time together.

This week for #leadthewayatoz was the dreaded letter Z. After scratching our heads for a bit, we decided on petting Zoo. The Almond Valley Heritage Centre is closed, owing to lockdown, but you can follow the river and pass the fields with the horses and alpacas. The alpacas were clearly too cold to bother with us, but this horse was pleased for some company and came over to say hello.

And last (but not least), is my latest complete project. Ironically, this has been stitched for ages, I've just been waiting on the hoops to arrive to frame it! 
It's a house warming gift for a friend who used to work in the Haunted Mansion ride in Florida - I'm sure she'll love it! 

Well, this is officially the last post of 2020. Its been a year, I'll admit, but I can't say it's been all bad. I got to Disneyland Paris. My garden is years ahead of schedule and I grew carrots for the first time. Missy won us a holiday to Durham, and won an Honourable Hound award with Dog Furiendly. It's had its lows, redeployment and continental shifts are something I do not want to repeat, but that's as low as it got. I feel like I've gotten lucky all things considered with the virus, and I'm hoping that in the dark winter days ahead my luck will continue to carry on. 

So, I raise a mug of tea to all, for 2020, a year we want to forget but will be remembered in history, and to 2021 where hopefully we can start to truly celebrate this new decade. 

1 comment:

  1. I raise my mug of tea also! Long may our luck continue!

    Lovely post this week, it's given me a dose of the holiday spirit!

    Also, totally jealous of that cross stitch!
