Tuesday 2 April 2024

Observing Ostara

Ostara being the celebration of the spring equinox, honouring the goddess Eostre who represented spring and new beginnings. This year that fell last week on the 20th of March, ad so we had friends round on the Friday to celebrate the arrival of Spring with food and good company. The hubby and I had planned to celebrate in his day off at the weekend, but between filling out rather a lot of paperwork for his new job (yay) and organising all the paperwork for an upcoming holiday of ours... 

Well, we ended up in bed at 9pm watching Bluey. What rock and roll lives we lead. 

The Sunday was spent in true Spring vibes with a gut out and clean up of my greenhouse in preparation for the new year. 

It's been a bit of an odd week with Easter, mostly because it just feels too early. Dance had us taping Easter eggs to our heels to encourage us to dance on our toes (I only broke one egg, which seeing as I'm pretty much lame in one foot, was a miracle) and all week at work I've been telling folk I'll get back to them on Monda only to be reminded that actually, no, it'll be Tuesday owing to the bank holiday!

Saturday we continued our rock and roll life style by popping over to Dobbies for hot chocolate and to continue our spring celebration with some new house plants - I did spend some time gazing longingly about the garden section, but I have learned the hard way not to trust April.
Missy is usually remarked upon in garden centres, but she was unusually fawned over this time round. So much so that she managed to get dog treats off of someone who didnt eve have thier own dog with them!

And then our Inverness friend arrived and we met up with my other friend to go and see Hamilton in the theatre. Let me just say that it was absolutely worth the wait. 10/1 highly recommended. 

Today has been a very quiet day. Between a late arrival home because of the show, being too hyper to go to bed right away and the the clocks going forward, I got 6 hours sleep. So grand plans dissolved into catching up with my friend before she left to visit her mum, making jam, stripping the strawberries out of thier bed and into pots and doing 4 loads of laundry. Alas, I still cannot see the bottom of the basket! 

Monday was hubby's day off and so that was our official Easter together. Our plans of a long walk were dashed by a return of the rain and so we spent the day listening to Hamilton, baking and enjoying one another's company. 

Despite seeing many online, there was no April Fools in the household. In fact, we got some good news - we hd a lump biopsied last week that was on Missy and it's come back clear. So I can't think if a better way to finish the bank holiday weekend. 

Well, Missy does, and that's treats and cuddles on the sofa!

Until next time! 

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