Sunday 2 April 2023

A Paws for Prom

Well, we did it. Two Sundays (and about 2/3 hours during the week), and the impossible happened:

Neice got *the* prom dress she always wanted. 

It's satin. It's teal (the bluest shade of teal, but it's definitely green in certain lights). It has lace up back. It has a sweetheart neckline.
Insert your favourite fan girl meme or gif, because we had it. Eldest neice is absolutely delighted. 

It was a bit too big of a sewing challenge for her, so I did do the bulk of the sewing, but neice cut the pattern and the fabric and had a good try at sewing before admitting defeat at the slippery texture of the satin. So I'm calling it a win.

With the in-laws due next week, my evenings have been spent tidying up all the odds and ends of projects I have lying about, which is the most effective form of cleaning! Missy has been well and, with the arrival of the sun, has relocated herself to permanently sunbathing. It's funny watching her magically appear, panting away before flopping on the cool carpet whilst outside is barely above 6C. I don't think it'll be long before her fur goes red again!

Wee Ben was certainly more pleased to see her than she him today. I think she's worried we'll have him for 2 weeks again (whereby she doesn't get bed privileges on the slow mornings)! He soon swayed her round and they were cuddled up sleeping on the sofa together.
Although, judging by the photo below of the fright he got from her, I'm not sure he'll be so pleased next time! 

Until then! 

1 comment:

  1. That dress is stunning! And I do love the photos of Missy and Wee Ben!
