Sunday, 19 May 2019

Fisherrow Harbour Festival

Its been a glorious week for weather. Tuesday hit low 20sC and its been shorts on and no coats. I had spotted the Fisherrow Harbour Festival a few weeks back as a recommended event on Facebook and had roped my friend into coming along to keep me company as the hubby was working all weekend. 

Saturday morning arrived and so did the rain. The fine misty rain that creeps into the bones despite the mild temperature. We were belligerent and decided to go on ahead with going to the festival anyway. There was live music, a fire truck, search and rescue and the good old guess the sweets in the jar. 
I think its a pity it wasn't nicer as the turn out would have been better, but we still had a nice time mooching about the stalls and watching the harbour being officially opened before Missy had a good run on the beach. It was a bit too chilly to hang about so, after watching the live band for a few songs, we abandoned our visit.

Ironically, my friends parents are so used to her going on walks with me and Missy that they have started recommending dog friendly places they've found. There was a garden centre by the Straighton Park and Ride they had previously recommended, so we gave that a try and were not disappointed!

I've had a productive week in the garden and in the house with my sewing. The vegetable patch is starting to take shape again after the frost and I'm pretty happy with how its coming together. I've started the annual saga of spring cleaning and keep fiding more fabric hidden away, so I've been thinking a little outside the box on what to do with it all. Sewing wise I've managed a string of projects, but I'll just share the one today as it ties in with the clean up:

Some lovely Winnie the Pooh storage boxes. I'm super pleased with these ones as I actually used some old plastic bag-for-life bags instead of interfacing to stiffen them up. I dont know about anyone else but I seem to collect these types of bag and half of them are ridiculously oversized or awkwardly shaped! A good way to use them up without throwing them out. And it saves my interfacing for other projects. A win-win!

1 comment:

  1. Hee think outside the box, you made the box!

    Glad it was a good weekend for you, even if the weather wasn't so good!
