Sunday 22 May 2022

A Short Respite

Well, things haven't gone as well as we'd hoped. Whilst Missys results were on the whole positive, the lump on her leg requires further surgery. The biopsy results showed an infection, so we were prescribed more antibiotics (Missy officially rattles now) and after good improvement in terms of theunp coming down in size, she is booked in this week for the (hopefully) final op.

This weekend was the reschedule of having my eldest neice and nephew visit (the original being cancelled as I have covid). We decided against also taking Wee Ben as Missy was being a bit grumpy about the cone and stitches.
So, to take advantage of having just Missy, we went to Jupiter Artland (members dogs only, so a location we wouldn't be able to go to with the other dog). 
I'll be honest. I wasn't sure if it would be successful. Whilst neice loves art, nephew has never even set foot in a gallery. With it being a pokemon community day, I had a distraction lined up, just in case. 

It was a tremendous success. They both had a great time. The tactile nature of the place was really engaging for nephew and neice was in her element. I'll be honest, the stunning backdrops and my willingness to indulge her spontaneous photoshoots really sealed the deal.
There was lots of stops for Missy (although she was wanting to go further and faster), so we were confident that she was quite happy. Taking her somewhere new paid off as she slept properly for the first time in days. 

Nephew liked the "inside out" house best, an installation where the internal foundations are rough hewn rock, and the "dark woods" room - a chamber crammed full of tree trunks in the darkness. This one encouraged a lot of discussion about the nervous claustrophobia it triggered, and a return of the out-grown fear of the dark. The primordial fears, straight from Little Red Riding Hood and all Brothers Grimm.
I was shocked though that neices favourite was Mimi upside downside (and a top 3 finish for nephew). I know it was aimed for thier generation, but it still took me by surprise how well they responded to it. Missy and I sat it out, completely because she wasn't wanting to settle and nothing to do with my clown phobia... 

Today we wanted Missy to rest. It was a short morning walk and then we left her tucked up on the sofa in her cone of shame and went bowling. Another thing we couldn't have done if we had had Wee Ben.
I was shocked to have won overall (more luck than anything), but a good time altogether. 
Then it was lunch at home and we dropped them back off, leaving with promises of another weekend together.

Missy is tired and happy, so my main mission was completed. And the kids had a wonderful time, which is an absolute bonus for me. Big Sis and BIL didn't get up to much with thier freedom, spending Saturday working and then Sunday in bed catching up on well deserved sleep. Not exciting, but gratefully recieved nonetheless!

Next weekend will be a quiet one, so I don't know if there will be updates or not - my main focus will be on Missy and making sure she's OK. 

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