Monday 17 April 2023

Lady of the Manor

Just a quick one this week! Hubby was working, so Missy and I met up with a friend at Newhailes for market day. We both went in promising to be good and not spend any money and, well, two sets of cashmere wristwarmers and a slice of cake later, I'd broken my vow. Missy got herself some goats ears and a snuffle ball and my friend got herself wristwarmers, a hat, a headband, a cake and some bread - so I think we broke even! 
Needless to say, there was some great stalls at market day. 

My friend and I had lunch together, and a nice walk before finding some deck chairs in the sun and chatting away. It was good to just catch up and hang out. Missy seemed to be a minor celeb, she conned the dog stall out of (almost) all of thier free samples as she looked similar to a dog they once had. Then a very small, very tiny little toddling baby wanted to say hi as we relaxed in the lawn. Missy (after the parents asked permission to approach) ate the proffered grass much to the babies absolute delight and allowed the child to pat her. Then we had an older group of kids (about 8/9 years) ask to say hello. The Main Girl and her two token boys quickly formed a wee circle about Missy who just lay there and enjoyed the hugs. The girl told me all about her old dog (who Missy looked just like) and then told me about her cats. The boys piped up about thier cats too and, as swiftly as they arrived, they were off again.
I'm very used to this now, but my friend still gets caught off guard now and again about the magnetic powers of a quiet, relaxed dog bedecked in Disney. (Missy was not in her token pink, for Spring I've had her in her Winnie the Pooh collar and it was the Disney dog lead I had picked up that morning).
We laughed about it and carried on solving the riddles of the universe sat on pink deck chairs, holding take away tea and Missy snoring in the sun.

Sunday was a Lead the Way walk at Murieston. Despite 5 tickets sold, only one person arrived. I handed over the goody bag and explained the usual choices of lead or no lead and was told that Gizmo, the rescue Jack Russell, was fine so long as Missy didn't really approach at him or bark or anything. 
And I knew at that that they would get along brilliantly. Gizmo, a classic Jack Russell in size and appearance, was immediately enamoured with Missy who played hard to get, passively sniffing in his direction now and again whilst he steadfastly followed her and sniffed every blade of grass Missy sniffed. 

The hour was over in no time and, with promises of more dog walks, we went our separate ways. 

I spent the rest of the day in the garden. April is a busy time where a lot of industry is done with not very much shown for it! Still, the potatoes and peas are showing thier little heads, and I have a dozen little tomatoes huddled up in the greenhouse. All is going to plan! 

There was another friend visiting that evening and board games were played. Truly, a perfect little weekend! 

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