Sunday 30 May 2021

Mimi up or Down?

Yesterday was National Dog Friendly Day and that meant that Missy and I just had to go out somewhere. Hubby's shifts, and other commitments of friends, meant it was a solo adventure for just us girls. So what did we do? Went and found something really girly to look at!

Jupiter Artland Officially unveiled its latest art piece: Rachel Macleans "upside Mimi Mimi Down" (with the Mimi down being upside down, curse the limited font options!). I'll be honest in that I hadn't read about it (I like to see an art peice and come to my own conclusion before seeing what the artist was aiming for) but had seen photos of a brightly coloured cartoon, banks of pink and blue doll boxes and, on the outside, an upside down toy shop. Looked awesome, right? 
I should have read about it. 

It's tucked away in a tiny woodland cluster and, after getting some shots of Missy chilling at the poolside (such a difference the sun coming out made to the colours!), I asked for directions and was told that a lot of people were really mixed about it. 
Huh, OK. Was I interested in going to the 2pm talk about body dismorphia and suicide? Oh, uh, I have a fence getting fitted, I only have an hour, but thank you all the same.
Dont get me wrong, I know people who are trans, who have had eating disorders, who have thought about and even tried to commit suicide, it's a subject that's important to me, I just genuinely didn't have time. And they were unsure about Missy going and it was already 20C, so absolutely no way was she being left in the car. 

Shrugging it off as a pandemic induced discussion, I went on my way and found an avenue of little hearts set into the ground. Perfect. Girly. Cutsie. Just what I wanted for some sweet photos.
We skipped up the path of pink hearts and found a sign, stating that the video contained upsetting scenes and strobe lights. Oh. But... Oh. Suddenly that invite made sense. I looked up what was now a foreboding path to the little shop. 

There was a lady in a Jupiter Artland poloshirt enjoying the sun by the door. I was given the same warning as the sign and, after being told Missy was allowed in, I donned my mask and crept into the strange little store... 

And lasted long enough to get the photo shown below. 

So, was it the subject matter? No. It was certainly uncomfortable to watch, but I'd seen similar art house things. Was it the strobing lights? Nope. Did Missy not like it? She wasn't happy about the stone floor, but nope. Alas, my clown phobia kicked in. Mimi is a puppet like Punch and Judy. I was in a room, full of said doll, one half garish and brightly coloured, the other burned away, black and white, gnarled and witch like. There she was, an on screen giant before me.
I looked at Missy who wagged her tail and whined for a treat, clearly indicating that she was not amused at the situation and required bribery if I wished to stay.
We left. 
I intend to watch the video on my next visit, but will do so from the outside and through the window. At that point however I made polite niceties, completely blamed Missy on why I hadn't stayed, and booked it out of there.
I decided to cheer myself up by looking at the crying girl statues:

So, yeah. When I say phobia, I mean that clowns make me inherently uncomfortable. I can watch them at the circus (albeit well away from ringside) but all the comedy is marred by my own unease at thier being there. I'll be honest, I haven't watched IT, purely because I don't want to make my phobia worse. 
Still, that was unlike me. I though about the run up to going in, the weird "lots of people are mixed about it", the content of the lecture, the warnings, the repeated warnings. No wonder I was anxious before I even went in! 

Next time, Mimi, I get you next time.

We finished the walk in the sunshine and, deciding it was getting too hot for Missy, I made my way to the car. I got a message saying the fence was about done and made my way home. I won't share photos of it, but I absolutely love the new fence/driveway gates. It completely cheered me up and, after much profuse thank yous to the workmen, I went to the back garden, enjoyed my new privacy and repotted almost 100 tomato plants.
Anyone want a tomato plant? 

We had friends over for homemade pizza that evening, Missy was given all the cuddles for the "scary dollies" and we all had a good laugh. And today, my mum popped round and I did some sewing jobs for her before we enjoyed another glorious day in the garden.

Creepy dolls aside, it's been a good weekend. And I'm feeling more confident in the world and my future adventures.

1 comment:

  1. Note to self: visit Jupiter Artland. Avoid the creepy clowns.

    I'm glad you braved them but yeah, read about the art price ahead of time next time!

    Oh, and the clown phobia? It's from watching Poltergeist when we were 7. Just Google Poltergeist clown and all the suppressed memories of horror will come flooding back...
