Sunday 20 December 2020

Online Festivities

It's less than a week until Christmas, and the festivities have begun. In keeping with the theme of the year, they've all been online. I've had my works night in (another one in keeping with the year, it was a quiz! ) and then Friday we saw one set of friends virtually and then I had my Christmas Dinner (virtually) with another set of friends Saturday.

Whilst everyone is trying to remain upbeat, it's clear that this year has started to wear folk down. Hopefully the winter is kind and quick and with Spring we'll get back to something akin to normal again. I'm not asking for my much, I'd just like to go out on a walk and stop at a cafe to have cake and tea with friends and family. Nothing much. 

Missy is doing well with her exploring with Dogfuriendly - we got the Honourary Hound accolade in November and the new badge arrived in the post. I'd hoped to get out and photograph her outside with her sash, but the weather has been far too grim for that kind of nonsense! 

Sewing wise, that's the last of the big projects out the way. I am rather pleased with this Wonder Woman quilt for the brother in law, I finally braved pinwheels and was surprised that they weren't nearly as bad as I expected them to be! More shots, as always, on the insta @missdaisysewing 

Just started on a new cross-stitch, although I will confess in that my sewing break has lasted all of three days - I've just purchased the the Hamilton Spencer Jacket which is definitely going to be my New Year project for myself!

Wishing you all a lovely Christmas, no matter what you do!

1 comment:

  1. I look forward to seeing the Hamilton Spencer Jacket!

    And yes. This year is wearing us all down, you have done amazingly well at helping everyone and staying upbeat. Hug. Thank you for that.
